The main techniques of Painting
Tools and Materials of Oil Painting limit result in complexity of painting techniques. For centuries, artists have created a variety of oil painting techniques in practice, making painting materials play its role adequately.Oil painting’s major echniques:
- Transparent color-covered method, without using the white color but only use the oil dilution pigments for multi-level painting. Each layer must be colored after the previous layer is dried. Because each layer is relatively rarefied, the lower the color can be vaguely revealed, forming subtle changes of color tone with the upper layer. For example, painting stable blue color on the crimson color layer will generate the rich effect of purple in blue or the warmth in coldness, which often can not be transferred out in the color palette. This kind of painting is suitable for the performance of images texture and solid sense , in particular, by vividly depicting the characters’ changes of skin color, it makes people feel the blood flowing under the skin surface . The disadvantage comes from a narrow color gamut, making the work process fine but a long time to complete, thus it is not very easy for the artist express his prompt real emotions of art.
- Opaque color-covered method, also known as multi-level shading. First, use a single color to figure out general body appearance when painting, and then use the multi-level color to shape. Often dark part is painted thinly, middle tone and highlight layers thick, covered, or remained, forming contrasts of color module. Different thickness shows the color’s rich rhyme intention and texture. There is not strict distinction between transparent and opaque painting ,that is why artist often use them for integration in a portrait painting. When performed the images in the dark shadow , transparent color-coverd method can produce a stable and deep volume sense, and spatial sense; opaque color-covered rules is easy for shaping items outside dark parts, increasing color saturation of the picture.
- An opaque coloring, also named direct coloring. That is to basically finish painting after making images outlines on the canvas, with the feeling of the color images ,lay colors to the idea of picture colors, and scrape the incorrect place with the painting knife and then continue coloring for adjustment. This painting, of which each pen is relatively dipped with pigments strongly, color saturation is high, strokes are more clear, and is an easy vivid expression of painting feelings . many artists choose this painting method in the late mid-19th century,. The role of oil painting techniques is that it combines styles of factors or focuses on an individual. The painting materials provides adequate possibility to apply oil painting techniques to the second grounding. Oil production is the techniques creative process when skilled artists consciously control the painting materials, select and apply artistic ideas, and form the artistic image. Paintings express the content the artist gives as well as the unique beauty of the oil painting language─ ─ drawing.